OSAM INTEGRATED SERVICES LIMITED is a wholly indigenous, privately owned services company registered with Corporate Affair Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, with RC 1439812, under the Company and Allied Matters ACT 1990. We are a company providing exceptional technical and consultancy services to several industries which include but are not limited to Oil, Gas and Chemicals sector, Offshore/onshore Services, Renewable Energy /Power sector, Telecom, Real Estate, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Banking and Finance, Religion/academic Institutions etc.
Our Services
We offer technical support services in areas such as; Engineering, Procurement and costing, Installation and Maintenance, Facility Management, Agriculture, Logistics, Import/Export, Manpower supply etc.
Our Mission
Our mission is to develop/render quality and excellent services acceptable by our clients and to be competitive at all times, making use of best edge technology and modern soft and hardware.
Our Core Values
We maintain the spirit of teamwork and mutual support because we strongly believe it is essential to our effectiveness.
We have "i can do it spirit", that is always willing to adapt to change while maintaining our fundamental values and tenacity of purpose.
Safety is everybody’s business, the safety our people; sites/host communities and the protection of the environment are essential obligations for all of us.
We wholly encourage and support the Nigeria Local Content Policy, thereby putting our host communities first at all times.